Passover hasn’t arrived yet, but supermarket chains are already reminding us that it’s time to prepare for Passover cleaning. Just before the costumes and mishloah manot, promotions on cleaning products are popping up on the shelves, offering attractive prices for anyone who wants to stock up early before prices skyrocket.
Where can you find the best deals this year?
Hazi Hinam has already launched a wide range of promotions on cleaning products, with particularly attractive offers.
Machsanei Hashuk has also launched a major campaign for cleaning supplies, offering "Buy 3, Get 3 Free" deals on various products. According to the chain, this year they plan to ease consumers’ efforts and offer an opportunity to thoroughly clean for Passover while saving significantly on costs.
Poisoning from Cleaning Products? Here's How to Avoid Dangerous Chemicals | Special Guide
In the midst of the cleaning rush, especially during vacation, we sometimes fail to pay attention to our children—especially the younger ones—who wander around the house unsupervised and might taste bleach, put the rag we used to clean the oven degreaser in their mouth, and many other scenarios that can arise. Add to this the fact that cleaning product containers are often colorful and attractive, or that sometimes we store cleaning products in non-original packaging, such as a mineral water bottle or drinking cups with leftover cleaning substances that were forgotten on the side—and you have the recipe for disaster.
Exposure to cleaning products in children usually doesn’t cause significant damage, but there is certainly a risk of burns in the mouth and esophagus. In extreme cases, there can be difficulty swallowing, drooling, vomiting, or even shortness of breath, airway obstruction, and choking. Among cleaning products, the most dangerous are strong bases and acids, such as degreasers (especially cold ones) and drain cleaners.